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Thursday 19 February 2015

My thoughts on May

Hello internet if your still there, 

It has been at least 6 months since I last sat down and wrote a blog, there is no reason for this apart from the fact I could never really find a rhythm with it, now however that this is my place on the internet where I can write what I feel like. 

So this year there will be a general election which for me is a very interesting thing, I have discovered an in depth interest in politics over the past year and with this interest I have started to become more involved in politics. However this is where I come to my main issue, I seem to be one of the only people in my group of friends and indeed close family. Young and old who are taking an interest in politics. At such a defining time in this countries history surely people can see that they need to let go of the prejudice they hold against politicians and their sometimes back dated approach to life.  Which is true the democratic government we are governed by is back dated but so are my grandparents and they still make some valid points. 

I have listened to people like Russell Brand instructing people not to vote. I'm not sure if he's read Lord of The Flies or Animal Farm but a society without a firm government does not work. Whilst I agree certain changes should be made I don't think it needs to be started again, the Unitied Kingdom is an island that has thousands of years of history, that has taught a million different lessons.  

Anyway back to 2015, I think it's vital that people vote. Parties shouldn't be campaigning for certain groups of people to vote, they should be calling for GROUPS OF PEOPLE to vote. 

So if you take anything from a moaning 19 year old going on 50 then please please confided voting and voting for the right reasons.

Thanks for reading :) 


Thursday 20 November 2014

Live music, Real stories

Hello Lovely internet folk, 

So again I find myself blog-less, well for past two weeks I have anyway. but you lucky lot will have two by the end of the week. 

I recently went to see one of my favorite sing a song writers Martyn Joseph, if you haven't heard of him then youtube, spotify, itunes. His music spans 32 year career, but don't let that put you off he is very much in the now and extremely good. The reason I like his music so much is because it really speaks to the male mind, which leads to the title of this blog. The songs I was listening to last night were really stories, stories of love; stories of pain and stories of war. Honestly I erge you to go and see Martyn at a gig it will change your perspective on a lot of things. 

I hope you enjoyed this new style blog, 

Thank you for reading, have an amazing week :) 

Sam x

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Just getting it out there

Hello lovely internet people,

My apologies for not blogging for a while, I've been in Leeds and Manchester, just felt like I haven't stopped!! But now I have a spare half an hour I'll write some thoughts that have been on my mind. 

Now to blog or not to blog, I know I have a small audience that read some of my blogs and that's great but does it really effect your lives or are you making it part of your weekly routine? I highly doubt it. And rather selfishly I will admit that this has been playing in my mind, honestly I have about 10 blogs written and ready to go but I just don't know if there interesting. 

I'm the same with college work I finish assignments and then I'm terrified there boring and will fail, I will wait for the deadline so I don't melt down waiting with worry. 

So what do I do about this? Honestly I have no idea 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week:) 

Sam x

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

I went to see Katie!

Hello lovely interment people! 

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I've been on holiday and didn't really have anything interesting to write about. But this weekend I have spent with Katie, who if you don't know is my girlfriend who is studying in Leeds. Nearly two months has past since I last saw her so it was actually quite weird too see each other. Well I found anyway. But once I saw her I was instantly happy! It's hard not seeing your bestfriend. 

The weekend involved lots of fun! We went out on the Friday night and I think you'll agree Katie did an amazing job on the face paint! 

Saturday night was date night! If you don't do date night with your girlfriend or boyfriend why not? It's so much fun to get dressed up and go to a nice restraunt. We went to zizzi's which was really nice and I'd recommend it, just be patient because service was a bit slow..

The weekend ended with a quick bite to eat at browns, which is a brilliant bar/restraunt in Leeds I had a really nice feasar salad and a pint of cider. 

It's just a shame we had to say goodbye.. But hey things aren't easy to have the things you really want:) 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week. 

Sam x 

Sunday 12 October 2014

A generation of change

Hello Internet, 

As I said last week I've found a direction for this blog and I'm going try and stick to that occasionally going back to the less serious and the bike stuff every so often. This blog will be a place for opinions and thoughts to be expressed and challenged. 

I was sat in a talk the other day about how different generations have changed rapidly. It got me thinking that actually it isn't a generational change its a age change, Katie's youngest cousin can probably utilise an I-pad better than me. What does this mean then? That we will be alienated by technology like generations before us? No I don't think so, yes we may not be as fast with future tech whatever that means, but were thepopulation familiar with the steam engine or electricty when the Victorians brought it out? No they were as amazed as we are when a new iPhone comes out or when a car can park itself. 

The power of our social media, and I say our because we own it without the public the servers would be dead and it wouldn't exsist, anyway I'm rambling. Look at Hong Kong and the protests there, the government couldn't control the population because they were using there phones to organise themselves, so what do the government do? They shut down the internet out a tight lock on it? Why because they don't understand how to use it properly it scared them! And trust be told I'm scared if the power of internet. There are people in YouTube that have millions of subscribers if one of those celebrities came out with some ideologies then it could seriously impact power. When in this talk I brought up the opinion that the internet is a lawless society because it is.. How many people do you know that been caught downloading music? People commit internet fraud all of the time.. But the worst one is cyber bullying yes the person can be caught and punished but it's the principle of hiding before your 15 inche HD screen. I'm not suggesting that there is strict laws to be placed on the internet like China, but I am saying we as a society should seriously respect the power that's in our pockets. 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week :) 

Sam x 

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Am I a feminist?

Hello internet, 

You should all realise this blog is a place where I can express my thoughts and feelings. 

So as you can guess from the title I'm going to explore gender equality a bit. Now I'm not going to be light hearted about this because it's not a light hearted subject. Now I come from a white middle class background, I can't help that blame the parents. But that doesn't make me stuck in my ways, I'm always open to new things and new ideas. Some you may know I want to study sociology and politics for that very reason. 

Recently there has been a lot of stigma towards women online, what with the apple cloud hack. Which both scared me and got me thinking, we as a culture enjoy sex. We do there's not a day goes by without two famous people in a sex scene on our TVs. Or certain tablid magazines proclaiming the latest sex scandal. It scared me because non of us are really safe from the internet, the richest women in Hollywood have been exposed. Now hmm do I feel sorry for these actresses? Yes I do it's a horrible thing and those pictures were meant to be private and between two people that trusted each other but then the other side of me says why did they take them? They knew the risk of them getting leaked... And then I realised that they were convinced by a man, a man who hasn't been named and shamed like these poor women. So I asked myself this question am I a feminist? Or more am I allowed to be a feminist? 

I studied GCSE history I know about the suffragettes and sufferegists, the awareness they raised is outstanding. Without there commitment we wouldn't be anywhere near gender equality today. I watched Emma Watsons speech about heforshe and I 100% agree with what she said. And I realised I'm not a feminist or a feminist allie, what I am is a equalitist (made up word I think). I believe we should all be equal, I'm an 18 year old male and I take care of myself. I pluck my eyebrows so I don't look like I have a mono brow, I moisturise my hands and arms because they get dry, I shave my face and I shower with flowery smelling body washes. I've even been known to exfoliate. Does this make me lesser a man? No it makes me comfertable. Trust me I can be aggressive competive arrogant idiot if I wish to be, however I tried it and I hated myself for it. I wish we had a society where the highest death rate for males wasn't suicide. However I can see why those statitics exsist, I'm greeted with comments on the way I have my hair or the clothes I wear from females.. But if that judgmental back I would be sexist. That's not a equal world. For equality to work everyone should be equal. Haha when you write it it sounds so simple. 

There is one thing though... Feminists aren't a bunch of scary women burning bras and chaining themselves to fences, they are mothers and entrepreneurs. There your neighbours, husbands, sons, police women. Notice I included men in there because like me there is men out there that believe the same as me, everyone should be equal. Now I'm straight, I like women. But not just as an image on a computer screen, I like women for conversation and fun and to work with. Yeah I like boobs who doesn't? But saying that isn't sexist it's realist, men and women are attracted to each other it's a fact of life. 

This probably won't make sense and is a definite ramble of thoughts so I'll link a YouTube video by Jack Howard below who explains it a lot better than I ever could.

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week

Sam x 

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Monday 29 September 2014

The cycle show

Hello wonderful internet people, 

I was lucky enough to get a free ticket to the bike show through work, so a friend and I went to see all the amazing new tech that's out there and just look at all of the gorgoues bikes, I won't bore you with details instead I'll just put in all the pictures I took from the day. And maybe there will be a blog about building a dream bike in few months time... 

Bradley Wiggins world championship bike
If your going to build a bike make titanium 
Nothing looks as good as Italian design 
Very exciting. The first full carbon bike from genesis.

Full adjustable carbon stem from look which is a brilliant design feature, hoping that trickles down to the high street soon. 

The essentials for any cyclist 

For me kinesis really stood out and there race light bike will definitely be a future investment. 

Loved the old school vibe to this colnago!!

Thanks for looking through this weeks blog. Have an amazing week

Sam x 

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page.